Background Part 1
Magic Forest Logo
Background Part 2 Background Part 3

Welcome to the Magic Forest

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Welcome to the Magic Forest Association, a project dedicated to making a lasting, positive impact on our planet. While many initiatives focus on planting trees, we believe in creating something more — a living, breathing legacy that combines nature with creativity.

Together, we will plant and nurture a thriving forest that will also serve as an art residency, featuring a permanent land art exhibition. It will become a vibrant hub for annual creative and music festivals, artists, performers, and musicians from around the world — a place where our community can gather, celebrate, and reconnect with nature.

The Urgency of Reforestation

The planet's need for reforestation is urgent, with rising carbon levels and increasing global temperatures. Yet, we understand that planting a tree is not always feasible for everyone. It requires time, effort, and the right conditions.

So, we decided to stop writing alarmist posts and focus on what we could actually do!

With the support of Gary Sumner, Raphaël Erba, and Jon Marshall, we launched a generative NFT collection and planted our very first tree – BILBO, a Japanese Red Pine – on the stunning cliffs of the Mediterranean Sea.

Magic Forest Fund 🌳
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When we shared those first photos, the response was overwhelming. Inspired by this enthusiasm, a few more people joined us, and soon we planted an olive tree on another hillside.

It was in that moment that we realized our potential – we could do so much more!

We could plant an entire forest, just like Hikmet Kaya did in Sinop, Turkey or like Lélia and Sebastião Salgado did in Brazil.

Since the 1990s, Salgado family with their crew have worked on restoring a part of the Atlantic Forest, turning 17,000 acres into a nature reserve and creating the Instituto Terra, dedicated to reforestation, conservation, and environmental education.

Similarly, Hikmet Kaya transformed barren land into a flourishing forest by planting over 30 million saplings, with the help of local villagers, creating a thriving ecosystem that stands as a testament to the power of community and dedication.

Image of Hikmet Kaya Image of Delgado

Our Roots in the NFT Community

At this point, you might be wondering: there are already plenty of successful reforestation projects out there, some of which even offer tree certificates with detailed information, photos, and GPS coordinates, like

Honestly, that was our original plan.

But then, we noticed a growing demand for real-world infrastructure that allows for deeper engagement and creativity.

Ethereum Forest Top View Nouns Glasses in The Magic Forest
Cryptopunks Path in The Magic Forest

The first response was a series of NFT conferences in Paris, New York, and Lisbon.

Soon after, Gary Sumner announced the purchase of land to establish an art residency in Texas. Then, another residency appeared in Brazil and Bali.

Now, we see that we can take this concept even further and build a space where we all together can finally touch the grass!

We are so strong as a community that our forest could become the largest land art project ever – the forest planted in the shape of the Ethereum logo, visible from space.

Projects in the Magic Forest

The possibilities for creative projects in the Magic Forest are truly endless. Here are some of the exciting directions we can take:

1. Land Art

Imagine walking through a forest filled with land art installations of all shapes and sizes.

From immersive art pieces to kinetic sculptures, the forest provides a natural canvas for both large and small projects.

We aim to inspire artists to create works that harmonize with nature, bringing together art and the environment in new and unexpected ways.

UFO Lights Land Art
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2. Exhibitions, Festivals, and Conferences

Exhibition Image

The Magic Forest will be a perfect setting for cultural events.

We envision hosting independent film screenings under the stars, organizing art exhibitions featuring both emerging and established artists, and creating spaces for music or theater festivals.

Multiple stages could host diverse performances, and the forest itself could transform into a gallery or performance space.

Conferences and workshops focusing on creativity, consciousness, and ecology will also be part of the experience, offering a platform for learning and exchange.

3. Work in Progress Art Residencies

When the forest isn’t buzzing with festival activities, it will serve as a creative retreat for artists.

We will host Work in Progress residencies, where artists can focus on their craft, free from distractions.

The forest and its natural surroundings provide the perfect environment for inspiration and creativity, whether you’re a photographer, filmmaker, musician, or painter.

We’ll ensure that artists have access to a variety of picturesque locations, turning the forest into an open-air studio.

Art Residency Image

4. Retreats and Educational Programs

Retreat Image

In addition to being a hub for art and creativity, the Magic Forest will also offer retreats and educational programs.

These could range from wellness retreats focusing on mindfulness and nature connection, to workshops on sustainable living and environmental conservation.

The possibilities are endless, and we’re excited to see how the community shapes the offerings.

Your Contribution: A Digital Tree, A Real Impact

Our journey to create the Magic Forest has already begun, and now you can be part of it.

We have a collection of 1,000 digital trees, and as of this writing, 22 have already been sold, leaving 978 still available.

Each tree costs 0.02 ETH, and if we sell all 1,000, we will raise 20 ETH. This amount, combined with our personal savings and additional contributions from investors, will be enough to purchase land suitable for planting the forest.

Each digital tree will be transformed into a real one, complete with its own dedicated page . You'll be able to watch it grow in real time and visit it whenever you wish.

It will stand as a living legacy, a quiet witness to the beauty and resilience of life, nurturing the earth long after our footsteps have faded.

Mint & Plant Collection

We’re excited to announce that we’ve deployed our onchain generative collection. You can now mint your digital tree directly on our website, or through and — it’s the same collection, accessible from different platforms. We’ve made it available across multiple sites because we understand the importance of using platforms you already trust and are familiar with.

Step 1: Research and Land Acquisition

We've conducted extensive research and identified 15 suitable plots in Spain. These plots range in price from €100,000 to €1-2 million. Some of the properties even have non-drying rivers flowing through them, which means we could achieve full energy autonomy for the forest.

Once we raise the necessary funds, we will finalize the purchase of the land.

Step 2: Establishing the Magic Forest Association

We’re in the process of registering the Magic Forest Association, a non-profit organization that will officially own the land.

The constitution of the association will be publicly available, ensuring transparency and commitment to our original vision.

This guarantees that we will not sell off any assets, neglect the preservation of the forest, or turn it into a logging operation.

Instead, all profits will be reinvested into the development of the project.

Step 3: Financial Transparency and Tax Benefits

All financial reports will be regularly published on our website.

Additionally, as a non-profit organization, the association will benefit from significant tax incentives, allowing us to maximize the resources dedicated to the forest.

Importantly, the association will be open for membership to anyone who shares our vision.

Step 4: Creating a Lasting Legacy

Our goal is to create a forest that will thrive for generations, open to our community and serving as a sanctuary for creativity, nature, and sustainability.

By contributing, you're not just planting a tree – you're helping to build a community and create a lasting legacy that aligns with our shared values.